Facebook is a great platform for Top of the funnel Marketing. It can put your products or services before a large target audience. Some advertisers use Facebook to drive users down their sales funnel with relevant offers.
Facebook offers amazing targeting options that you cant find elsewhere. They have tailor made options for startups where you cna precisely target employees or particular pin locations and particular employees and many more.
It will show you way more ways than you could think of to find your target audiences. This way you can customize your offering to targeting to make your ads more appealing and drive better engagement.
Advertisers use FB to reach those users who have been to their website earlier and to maintain a relationship with them and keep engaging them with relevant content and build their brand. You can learn in-depth Facebook Ads in our Facebook Ads Training Masterclass.
Facebook gives you tremendous reach. An average adult spend close to 2 hours each day on FB. Facebook generates close to 21% of overall referral traffic as per sources.
You can introduce your brand to very large audience. Remember, it is not one channel that drives conversions always. Several channels collectively work together to drive conversions in a multi-channel marketing world and one can’t depend on single channel marketing strategy to drive higher conversion rates always.
When users go to FB, they don’t know what they are looking for. They visit FB with a different mindset. Unlike Google, where users know what they are looking for and they are very clear with their intent but in FB, that’s not the case. What you can do here is you can introduce your brand and keep them engaging with your brand content. Slowly they’ll start recognizing the brand.
All the more, the Creative/Ad on FB has to be irresistible so much so that it stops users from scrolling down. This irresistible offer in technical language is referred to as a BAIT.
You can’t simply keep users get stuck at one place. You have to drive them through their sales funnel. Infact, in the very ads manager interface Facebook has a funnel for advertisers. The general Facebook advertising funnel goes this way
- Awareness
- Consideration
- Conversion
In Today’s world of digital marketing, one cannot simply depend on one approach and wait for results to manifest. You have to drive users through conversion funnel. You can learn more about the features that Facebook provides in their ads manager interface.
You can learn more about the in-depth strategies in Facebook that align with your business goals. Interested to know more, kindly attend one session in our Digital Marketing Immersive Bootcamp.