
Upon completion of bootcamp, you'll become a real measure marketer.
6 Google Certifications - 1 Microsoft Certification - 1 HubSpot Certification.

We're a Google Partner Agency
AdSpend of Over 600,000 USD each year

Getting certified by Google is Google’s way to acknowledging your knowledge on using Google Ads (Formerly Google AdWords).

Ask any Digital Marketing expert about the importance of using Google Ads for a business, most likely he will say that it is one of the effective ways to get connected to your target customers and generate leads.

Certifications by Google & Microsoft
Get International Skills & Exposure

Run ‘dollar-a-day’ Google Ads & Facebook campaigns for real-time insights. As a Google Partner Agency we have exclusive access to insider insights. We spend over 600,000 USD each year in Google Ads. You’ll learn skills that others do not.

Sample Slider

Digital Marketing Training in India needs a paradigm shift in the way digital marketing skills are taught. “You can’t learn Digital Marketing just by going to an institute”. You have to practice and work on real time clients using the most advanced features of Google & Facebook.

Institutes offering Digital Marketing Course in India has just become a place where they hire trainers and treat this as just another course. For them it’s adding one extra course. Learning digital marketing without data is like swimming without water, it’s not the right thing to do.

In Digital Marketing Training Bootcamp, you will do digital marketing for a live website. Install Google Analytics to the website and then start marketing using different marketing channels and monitor the campaign performance. Its Practical’s and only Practical’s, nothing apart from Practical’s.

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Provides insights about the dynamics of digital marketing platforms. Makes you feel strong with the technical jargons in digital marketing. Covers SEO, SEM, Facebook and other important marketing channels

Google Ads with practical real-time business scenarios. Different targeting methods and keywords research methodologies. Covers campaign management and reporting related questions.

Tools and optimization techniques in Google search network. Performance monitoring and campaign optimization recommendations. Ad Formats and Website quality and KPI’s

Display Ads on Google and Display Network targeting options. Display Ads on YouTube, display ad formats and CPV. Display Ads on Mobile, mobile formats and CPM

Covers basic and advanced concepts, including mobile fundamentals. Bidding & targeting strategies on mobile devices. Mobile ads and their measurement solutions.

The Video Advertising assessment covers basic and advanced concepts.
Best practices for creating, managing, measuring, optimizing video campaigns across YouTube and the GDN.
CPV and Ad Sequencing and Bumper Ads, In-steam, Discovery ads
Effective tracking of the site visitors and their behavior. Introduction to working of Analytics Tools. Ways to connect AdWords and Analytics for adding edge to your campaigns.